In December 2008, Duncan Gillespie, Andrew Dalik and Graham Dalik were in Sydney, Australia with film director Philip Lyall where a casual game of ‘Barefoot Bowls’ was extremely popular. During an afternoon of beers and bowls, they collectively vowed to bring this fun experience back to Canada. They wanted to organize it as an event, as an opportunity to bring people together.
Philip had brought along a rough cut of 65_RedRoses, a documentary he was working on at the time. The powerful film told the story of Eva Markvoort, a young Vancouver woman living with cystic fibrosis (CF). The group returned from their memorable day of lawn bowling to watch the film later that night. The idea to create a lawn bowling fundraiser in support of Eva and others living with cystic fibrosis was hatched on the spot.
Cystic Fibrosis Canada (CF Canada) were founded by parents of children with cystic fibrosis over 60 years ago.
Since then, we have worked with the cystic fibrosis community to dramatically change the CF story - and have helped more than double the life expectancy for a child born with CF today.
CF Canada has contributed to the global body of CF knowledge, funding research achievements such as discovering the gene that causes cystic fibrosis in 1989. And advanced access to life-changing CF medicines in Canada through relentless advocacy and government relations work.
Many Canadians with cystic fibrosis are living longer, have taken deeper breaths than ever before, and are encouraged and excited about their future. But the work is still not done.
For many Canadians with CF, life is still too challenging and too short.
You can help change that.
By participating in the Lawn Summer Nights, you will strengthen the CF community and have a powerful impact on CF Canada’s programs and services.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common fatal genetic disease affecting Canadian children and young adults. There is no cure. Of the Canadians with cystic fibrosis who died in the past five years, half were under the age of 37. Cystic fibrosis is a progressive, degenerative multi-system disease that affects mainly the lungs and digestive system. In the lungs, where the effects are most devastating, a build-up of thick mucus causes severe respiratory problems. Mucus and protein also build up in the digestive tract, making it difficult to digest and absorb nutrients from food. In addition to the physical effects of the disease, mental health concerns are emerging; anxiety and depression are common among this population. Double lung transplants are often the final option for patients with end-stage disease; most fatalities of people with CF are due to lung disease.
1305-20 Eglinton Avenue West
Toronto, Ontario M4R 1K8
© 2025 Cystic Fibrosis Canada. All Rights Reserved
Charitable Registration No. 10684-5100 RR0001